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Parents of Alumni

SPOTLIGHT on... 泰娜·朗吉诺17 18 21届

Tayna Longino is a



谢谢列文拉比的亲切介绍. Let me give thanks to my friends Jerel and Shari Wohl for sharing my name with Rabbi Levin and your congregation. It is an honor to be with you this evening and to share a little about myself and the meaning of Dr. King’s Legacy to me.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 是美国历史上具有变革意义的人物, 谁对公民权利和社会正义的影响至今仍能引起共鸣. This weekend, 当我们回顾他的一生和遗产时, it's essential to recognize the profound contributions he made to the fight against racial inequality and injustice.

We know, Dr. 对许多人来说,金是一位富有魅力和鼓舞人心的领袖, like all of us, had his flaws, However, his commitment to nonviolent protest and his unwavering dedication to equality made him a beacon of hope for millions of people striving for a more just society.

One of Dr. King's most memorable moments was his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech delivered during the March on Washington in 1963. 在这个强有力的演讲中, he eloquently articulated his vision of a nation where individuals are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 这篇演讲仍然是对团结、平等和正义的永恒呼吁.

Beyond his eloquence, Dr. 金是一位孜孜不倦的变革倡导者. 他领导并参与了许多抗议活动, marches, and boycotts, 挑战歧视性法律和做法. 他的努力对通过重要的民权立法起到了重要作用.

However, Dr. 金的影响超出了立法成就. His legacy has inspired generations of activists and leaders to continue the fight for justice, equality, and human rights. 他对非暴力的教导, love, and compassion remain powerful guiding principles for those striving to create a more inclusive and equitable society. These are principles modeled for me by my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.  我很幸运,从我出生的那一天起,他们每一个都倾注在我身上. 他们树立的榜样并不是表现性的, 但深深植根于对邻居的责任, your community, 还有那些声音被压制的人. 你看,我早期的服务记忆始于我的教堂和我的社区.  我在教堂和社区食品储藏室里堆放罐头, 选举期间的填塞信封, 打扫了附近的公园.  Every Saturday, my grandfather, a Deacon in our church, visited the “sick and the shut-in.“我不记得曾经有人问过我是否想加入他……. 这就是我和他所做的,我把它看作是我们一起拿着蛋糕的时光, 祖母或母亲为我们拜访的人做的馅饼或饭菜. 我当时并没有意识到, but these are the experiences that shaped and grounded me…to care for and have concern for others.  Stuffing envelopes during election time was more than just getting menial tasks done…it was listening to community issues, hearing the cries of a mother who walked into the center seeking assistance to pay her electric bill, 或者喂饱她的孩子,或者喂饱家里需要保暖衣服的父母. 这些是我早期学到的东西!

当我离开家上大学的时候, 我发展了自己的兴趣,发现了自己在事业和行动上的声音.  而我并没有偏离父母给我灌输的价值观. I joined service organizations that closely aligned to my personal interests -Education, Health, Civic Engagement, and social Justice. When it was time to declare my major, I decided on Public Policy and Business Administration. Intuitively I knew I wanted a career where I would advocate for policies that would positively impact lives. So, I found myself in a career where I could marry both my personal and professional passions. 做了几十年的人力资源专家, 我参与了一个不断发展和充实的实践. Still helping people, looking at policies and practices through a lens of equity for all.  

Thirty-one years ago, I married my childhood sweetheart, and we were gifted 3 amazing children. 埃文-埃里克25岁,米卡尔-米歇尔24岁,乔丹-安德鲁21岁. The principles and values I shared with you this evening; we have done our best to model the same for them.  然而,他们总是和我们一起庆祝. 国王假日和周末的服务活动, they are all keenly aware of their responsibility to their community every day and not just a weekend in January. Our goal was to instill in them the principles of Civility-Love, Kindness, and Respect!

We believe, 如果我们能以这些美德为领导,那么我们就能坐在一起, break bread together, 讨论我们的分歧, 愿意改变我们所学到的叙述和假设, and listen to each other for understanding and not for the purpose of debate…it is then we can collectively advocate for the rights of everyone.

你可能听说过Dr. King的“亲爱的社区”概念.“这是他对一个公正、公平的社会的愿景. The Beloved Community, was not just a utopian ideal but a practical philosophy that aimed at creating a world where all individuals lived together in harmony, embracing love, understanding, and justice.

At the core of the Beloved Community was the idea that all people are interconnected and interdependent. Dr. King believed that true social change could only be achieved through nonviolent means and by fostering a sense of community that transcended racial, economic, and social divisions. 他设想了一个社会,在那里个人, 不管他们的背景如何, 以尊重和尊严对待彼此. 作为爱的社区的指导原则,博士. 金强调了爱和同情在解决社会问题中的力量. 他认为,仇恨和暴力只会使不公正的循环永久化, 而真正的转变只能通过理解来实现, empathy, and reconciliation.

虽然爱的社区可能仍在进行中,博士. 马丁·路德·金的愿景仍然是一个强有力的、鼓舞人心的行动呼吁. It challenges us to reflect on our individual and collective responsibilities in creating a society where love triumphs over hatred, 理解战胜无知, 正义战胜了不公正. 拥抱“爱的社区”的原则,不仅是一种尊重博士的方式. 这是马丁·路德·金的遗产,也是一条通往更富有同情心、更和谐世界的道路.

这个周末,我们中的许多人都在纪念. Martin Luther King Jr., let us not only remember the historical figure but also embrace the values he stood for. Let his legacy be a constant reminder that the pursuit of justice and equality is a collective responsibility that requires our ongoing commitment and action. Dr. 马丁·路德·金建立一个真正公正和统一的国家的梦想是值得追求的, 我们每个人都有自己的角色, like myself, my husband, Eric and our 3 children, Evan, Mykal, and Jordan.

再次感谢您的邀请和款待. 我很高兴能和大家分享一些关于我自己的事情. 金在我心中产生共鸣!



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